Physical improvement during YTT

It never gets easier, you just get stronger.

During YTT is a good chance to force yourself push the limit of your body energy. 

Normally it is very hard to practice yoga at home as so many distractions around and hard to hold some poses when you practice alone. 

Yoga is about physically and mentally improvement. Some posture you can’t do is that you don’t believe in your self.

What I think inversion is all  about brave, the same thing you do on your mat applies in your life, just step out from comfort zone give a try. 

I still remember my first headstand until now able to hold for 3 minutes during the asana test. I am able to hold boat pose for 3 minutes, shoulder stand 3 minutes.

Yoga is a journey to believe and understand yourself and I will keep going to explore. 

Patricia (200YTT June 2018- August 2018)