I have really tight shoulders, lower back, and hamstring. Hence, when I tried to hop up, I ended up going into a backbend and my ribs flaring open. When I am in Ardha Pincha Mayurasana, I have trouble rounding my back too. So, during the week, I did Marjaryasana and Bitilasana when I wake up. I also did this shoulder stretch which involves the following steps:
- Kneeling in front of your bed/chair
- Place your elbow on the edge of your bed/chair
- Ensure that there is still space for you to fold forward and have your head/
ears beside your triceps
- Forearms should be perpendicular to the chair (think Pincha)
- Alternate between Cat and Cow spine
- Repeat a few times
To progress,
- Kneel in front of a wall with your back facing the wall
- Inhale, reach your arms up, triceps by your ears
- Bend your elbows into 90 degrees and aim to have your palms on the wall
(you might need to reposition your kneeling stance)
- Hold it for a couple of breaths
Lastly, get into Ardha Pincha Mayurasana,
- Protract shoulder blades (you should be able to round your back or feel that you are able to do so)
- Bring your chest towards thigh
This series of stretches is what I did for the entire week and it helped to open up my shoulders and helped me to get the idea of tucking my ribs as I kick up into Pincha.
200 Hour YTT Feb-May’21