Pincha Mayurasana

Aside from pranayama, the other goal I had set for myself was to embark on my inversion
practice as an advancement and progression in my yoga practice. I always had self-doubts, that
I was not strong enough, my arms are not pushing enough, my shoulders are too weak, to hold
myself in those inversion poses I see others get into so effortlessly. Hence, I am always trying to
work on my basics like upper body strength, amongst others, to build up my strength so I can
have a strong foundation to kickstart my inversion practice. Therefore, I have never tried
inversions on my own, unless I have spotters, for fear of all the dangers my head was telling me
and scaring me into not get started in the first place. Like horror movies that I watch, my mind
plays the craziest, impractical games on me. And this flaw of mine or hindrance to my inversion
practice, was never more rightly and precisely flagged out by the one and only AMAAAAZZING
Jess of Yoga Mandala. The scene is still fresh in my mind, whereby she went round the YTT
group to point out areas of improvement in their Pincha Mayurasana, and when it came to me,
she said it was my mind. That my body was perfect for it but my mind is stopping me. This
realization hit me, more so because it came from her. I was annoyed with myself at not being
able to harness the potential of the body I am in, but I pushed these emotions aside and kept on
pushing myself through these mindless fears, whenever I am into my inversion practice. I have
since dared to take risks, calculated risks, and there have been improvements, slowly but surely
that I know. I am excited what my continued practice continues to hold as I push my envelope
along with each inversion that I do, for each inversion practice is an opportunity of growth.
Slowly I may take, but surely I know I’d get there. And this I guess is the patience yoga practice

July’19 Weekend YTT