Spend a few hrs preparing the sequence, instructions, transition and talking to self – cant imagine that one day i will be doing this !
Definitely rehearsing out loud with visual image in my mind is helpful but that is that much i can prepare.
Honestly i was panicking as i did not manage to practice with anyone my sequence and wonder wat could go wrong. Furthermore, while i love to talk, talking out to a whole bunch of people is a different thing. #performanceanxiety
Well, the first 10 mins was nerve wrecking… esp that i am doing this in front of my own bf and friend (haha, i am usually more scared when i need to be presenting in front of familiar people). But my heart beat starts to settle into the pace of the class gradually. I start to feel the energy in the class too.
Reflection after class:
– glad my sequence went according to what i want
– how nervousness makes u dont remember what u said (elbow as knee?? Haha, i dont even recall). Need more practice so that words can come more naturally to me!
– thankful for my guinee pigs who are so patient with me. I’m also grateful for the +ve & -ve feedback from them.
Thankful =)
2 more practices to go! ??
Suzanne Ong
RYT200 YTT February 2019 Weekend