Preeti: Yoga-Key to Self-Discipline and Mindfulness

What really happens when we are completely occupied in our daily chores. Take a few seconds and
think? Well, the very foremost thing that comes to my mind is before ending up a task in hand, we
already have a list of another chores that we have planned to complete throughout the day.
I would call it a cluttered mind running to finish multiple tasks without really acknowledging and
realizing the beauty and essence of them. Our body is full of energy to achieve the goal of the day which
is to bring those daily tasks to conclusion. Isn’t it mentally and physically draining?


Incorporating YOGA in our daily lives not only initiates self-discipline but it teaches how to be mindful of
what one is doing at a given point of time. The wholesome Yoga routine that includes right practice of
Pranayam and Physical Asanas awakens the body and soul in a way that helps in streamlining the body’s
energy and gradually one proceeds to imbibe self discipline and mindfulness. The practice of Yoga
manoeuvres the human body, mind and soul in such a way that one feels controlled of ones actions and
thereby slowly reflecting on our physiological, mental and emotional state.


RYT200 AUg’20 Weekend