A lot of people associate yoga with religion. It’s not necessary so and doesn’t have to be. It’s so much more than that. In
yoga, the yamas and niyamas taught us the 10 tenets of living. It extends beyond doing yoga postures, it’s a way of living. It
brings awareness not just to your body but also your thoughts. A journey towards the fulfilment that you seek for in life.
Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender, is one of the niyamas I struggle to live by. How tough it is to surrender your ego, to accept
what you cannot change. People, including myself, thought physical part of yoga, was simply pushing yourself to the brink.
Getting into a posture is more important than anything else. But often our body proportion just doesn’t allow us to do certain
things. It’s then we need to know when to surrender, to listen to our body, to know when is enough, to be soft with yourself.
“Do what is yours to do; don’t do what is not yours to do.” – Swami Rama
RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend