Renee – Teaching session (5/6)

Finally I have done my first teaching during this weekend, and still got one more next week.
When I receive Alexis’s email regarding the teaching schedule about 1 month ago, I was so
stress and got severe migraine for the whole afternoon lol, no idea what I was so worry about,
maybe because lack of self-confident, maybe is my OCD makes me want to get everything to
be perfect, I know this is going to kill myself, and truly, I spent almost 3 weeks for just 1
sequence for beginner!!! Form choosing the asanas, add in and delete, add in again and delete
again, to memorize the cues, and practise myself, it’s suppose to be simple & easy, but I
don’t know why I made it so complicated and gave myself so many pressures.
I realise it’s really different while you practising on your own and teaching people. Luckily I
survived on Sat and I know I need to improve my voice projection. One more week to go,
hope I can make it after so many hairs dropping haha.