World of Shapes

Today was a “shapes day” in many ways. With my YTT mates we formed many fun shapes through group poses, and during break we had a conversation with Jessica about shape observation of bodies (which happens quite frequently actually haha) and yoga. I have learnt so much more about body awareness through the YTT, and my heart gives a little cheer whenever I hear comments that ‘you have improved!’

Shapes need not be the perfect pose or alignment, but you need the right shape to protect your body. Philosophically, it can apply to our internal state of self as well. We need good shapes not solely in terms of a healthy external shell, but even more importantly, a good shape of mind and heart.

As YTT draws closer to an end, my heart is currently filled with desire for it to last longer, sadness to see the pending close, but most of i am so grateful,to have gotten a precious glimpse into this “world of shapes”, filled with circles of warmth, laughter and friendship. My heart is whole, and light. No matter where we each go in the future, we shared precious moments together. Namaste.

Si Pei (YTT Jun – Aug ’18)