Strength & Flexibility (2/6)

“Yoga isn’t good for my back” – I’ve heard statements like this for years. Yoga isn’t simply about bending into an instagrammable shape though – asana is a product of strength and flexibility.


Having gone through YTT I have started to notice people around me and their form while doing physical fitness. I notice that those with least injuries have solid technique and have been able to build both strength and flexibility. I know of strong inflexible people with joint issues and flexible people who have nearly zero endurance. That’s what I love about yoga so much – that when done properly, it works on both of this equally well.


The body is like a machine and in order to be well oiled it needs physical fitness containing both strength and flexibility training. The next time I feel tired staying in Warrior 2 for long or in binding in Marichiyasana C, I’m going to try to push myself for an extra second…


