Sun salutation in Sanskrit name is Surya Namaskar. In simple way to understand: salute to the sun.
Despite there are different kind of style as you can search from internet, and comes with ‘alphabetical
letter’ behind, they are basically similar. Basic sun salutations are a key part of any vinyasa flow style
yoga practice. It is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses with profound benefits that have been written
about for thousands of years. One of many variations and synchronized our breath to the movements of
our body. You may not even realize you are doing them sometimes, but many teachers use them as a
warm-up at the beginning of class or even base whole classes around them.
During the YTT weekends, we basically have to practice 10 rounds of sun salutation A and 5 rounds of
sun salutation B in the morning. Before asana, after pranayama. When I was still a YTT’s newbie, I didn’t
know that sun salutation have many things to be aware of. I only realized that later, when my mentor
gives the verbal cues like ‘ tuck in your tail bone’, ‘tuck in your ribs’, ‘engage your core’, ‘engage your
gluts’ heels facing upward’…etc. It sounds easy, isn’t it? Actually it is not easy at all. The basic
instructions given probably sounds easier but when come into physical practice, it’s can completely
burned all of calories in your body. I like to practice sun salutation as after all these warm-up, I totally
felt a lots of different for my entire body especially early morning when I just stepped in to the studio
with my heavy foot. Sun salutation always the best choice for all levels students to practice. These
postures definitely are a good way to keep the body in shape and the mind calm and healthy. Master it!
Zenn Lim
200 Hour YTT Oct’20