Surya Namaskar

The most enjoyable part for me in Sun Salutation is to learn the Sanskrit names of the asanas. It is fun to break the words down and learn what they mean. Interestingly, the Sanskrit names of the asanas are the literal instructions for you to get into the pose.

The main thing that I was really worried about when I decided to go for my YTT is that I may have been practising with quite a bit of bad habits or incorrect postures. Out of the entire Surya Namaskar, I could only do Tadasana and Chaturanga Dandasana. I struggled in Uttanasana, Ardha Uttanasana, and Adho Mukha Swanasana. My downward facing dog – you have no idea how funny it was when Jessica tried to flatten my lower back just so that my spine is lengthened, and she failed just because my lower back is that tight but of course she provided a variation for me to work on.

The last part is something I appreciate a lot which is when she broke the poses down for us after our morning practice. I like how we are taught on what kind of variations or regressions to provide if someone is facing certain injuries or issues or simply just because body proportions which do not allow them to take certain poses.

2oo Hour YTT Feb-May’21