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Sylvia: Oct 3-4 Weekend – …and I liked it

Trying something new. We should all endeavour to try something new each day – to keep our minds challenged, our
perspectives on life fresh. I tried teaching Yoga for the first time today – and I liked it *key Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl*.
I don’t know whether it’s the adrenaline or the butterflies that makes me feel like I should feel refreshed, or whether its
because I truly enjoy imparting what knowledge I have learnt with others – a combination, perhaps?

The nerves still make me fumble, mix up my left and right, and occasionally go a bit blur, but as with all things,
practice and all is coming. Maybe one day, I can more effectively bring across what yoga is to me, what it can be for
others and all the tremendous benefits it brings. If you’re a foodie, you will know when you find a glorious bowl of
BCM, plate of hokkien mee or a humble serving of tau suan, you go around spreading the word to your friends and
insist they must try it. That’s how I feel about yoga. It has done so much for me, brought me out from a bad place, and
shown me possibilities beyond what I knew. I want to equip others with the knowledge to allow them to experience
yoga in their own way.

It is through awareness and feeling that these new things captivate us, inspire us, and I am so grateful for these
opportunities of new during my YTT.

RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend
