Sylvia: Sep 19-20 Weekend – For the long-haul

I signed up for YTT for 2 main things; 1) to further my self-practice, and 2) to explore what I potentially wanted to do
with my practice.

My character is impatient, to the extent that I am embarrassed to say I do not incorporate Shavasana during my home
practice because I can use that 5-10 minutes to do something else. To do what? I have no idea. I get bored quickly,
am afraid of commitment, whatever you want to call it – but before I’ve even settled down, I’ll want to move on.

I think the YTT journey has helped my practice so much, to encourage safety above all else, but also to understand
my strengths, accept my weaknesses and to also practice with greater awareness. I look forward to continue to
develop my practice – and that right there, that’s the thing – I am looking ahead, what the future holds for Yoga and I. I
know what you must be thinking -I’ve heard this somewhere before… isn’t this what people say about relationships,
about partners? That you can imagine how it would be like to have kids, grow old etc. Genuinely, that is what it feels
like for me now – I can see me doing yoga 20, 30 years down the line – and that is a wonderful gift and realisation to
have had during this YTT. Whilst it’s not clear to me what exactly I want to do with my practice, I know that I am in it
for the long-haul.

RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend