I can’t believe it is already the end of week 5! Time has flown by, and next week we will take our assessment. In looking over the 8 limbs of yoga, Ishvara Pranidhana draws my attention. It is easy to feel stressed about instructing a yoga class, even in-front of fellow students who are very […]

8 Limbs of Yoga – NIYAMA – Svadhyaya

Sva: Own, Self Adhyaya: Lesson, Reading, Lecture Svadhyaya is an internal observation; Niyama. Broken into Sva (meaning own or self) and Adhyaya (meaning lesson, reading or lecture), Svadhyaya in sanskrit translates to self study. During these first couple of weeks of the ytt200 I find myself practicing svadhyaya quite a bit. This is in the […]