Teaching Assignment Journey

The week past so fast! I couldnt believe that i have completed teaching 3 classes. All 3 classes definitely gave me insights of self improvement. Especially the third class. I had a class of 8, with 4 of them being totally new to yoga. During class, I see they have difficulty getting into the poses, however I was unsure how to help them go into Astanga Namaskar. During some of the adjustment for them, it was really challenging. When I tried to align the hips in Tadasana, they would automatically lean the body back.

I also gather feedback from students that they thought they were doing it right. I guess this is where self awareness of the body kicks in.

At the end of these teaching lessons, I realise the difficulty to keep engagement with the students. I guess, I will need to find my style of engagement.

Great news is, i now know that i would like to teach new timers after i get my certificate! It would be really nice to be able to help individuals learn about their own body awareness to improve their posture and flexibility through Yoga.

Marilyn (YTT200 – Batch July to Sep 18)