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19 July 2015

Today is lesson 6 of the yoga teacher training and I taught the themed class for better skin tone. This is both exciting as it a new challenge and at the same time stressful, as I have not done this before.

I made some miss-cue and my sequence was messy. I obviously did fairly badly due to my inexperience; hence I was too harsh on myself. We all learn from our mistakes.

As a student, you only follow the instructions given by the yoga teacher. Not all teachers correct your misalignment. You would only become more aware of your own alignment when you start to teach. In fact teaching has taught me many qualities that I could not have learnt from a yoga class such as alignments and more detailed techniques.

I am thankful to have the guidance from my supportive teachers Jessica and Nicole. They have been very patient and encouraging throughout the course thus far. They have taught me important teaching techniques. My classmates were a fun bunch to be around with and everyone has been helpful. I am indeed blessed to be part of this yoga journey with them.

I am happy as I can foresee a promising yoga-teaching path ahead of me.

