Tips On How To Prepare For Yoga Teacher Training: Wiy

200 hours of yoga training can sound intimidating and if you are new to yoga, it may be
overwhelming, as you don’t know where to start your research.


I was definitely overwhelmed! There are so many options available out there and I wanted to
ensure I made the right choice for me.


So here are some tips on what to look out for and how to prepare for YTT:


1. Research On The Different Yoga Studios
In my opinion, choosing the right studio that aligns with your style is crucial. Your vibe does
attract your tribe. You want to be in a space with people who shares similar outlook, as you will
be working closely with one another for 200 hours.
A cost is an important factor to consider as well – because lets be real, it is expensive so you
should be aware of the market rate to make an informed decision before making payment.
What I did was to look at the syllabus provided by the studios – so I know what I will be studying
and if there was any particular topic that interests me and if I felt that the price was worth the
Lastly, find out the dates of the trainings to see which aligns with your schedule best. Both the
weekday and weekend courses are quite intensive (to the body and mind) in short amount of
time so you want to make sure you have time to rest and study after training.


2. Talk To Friends Who Have Done YTT
After I have decided on the studio I spoke to friends who did their YTT at the same studio to
gather insights and feedbacks of their journey.
While different people have different experience, it is good to hear all sides of the story so you
can decide for yourself based on what you feel good for you.


3. Talk To Friends Who Are Yoga Teachers
I personally recommend this because one) yoga teachers have gone through YTT theselves and
two) they can advise better on the process and what to expect if your goal is to be a yoga teacher
after YTT.


4. Have No Expectations
No amount of preparation will get you ready for YTT until you show up on day one.
It is different experience for everyone. What you heard from your friends or yoga teachers may
be different from your own experience, so it is best to take it one day at a time.
I personally thought (and I embarrassed to admit this) that YTT was going to be a breeze. It was
my ego talking, “I’ve practiced for 8 years, it should be easy” Oh boy was I wrong! By end of week
one, I died a little from the daily drills. I am truly humbled and enjoyed my YTT experience. I will
be happy to share my stories with others.


With Love,
200HR YTT May’21 Weekday