What I really appreciated about the YTT was the gradual and thoughtful transitioning and scaffolding
towards our teaching weeks. We began the training as students and now as we are so close to
graduation, we have begun to embrace the act of teaching.
I remember everyone’s initial bewilderment and frustration learning the names of the various asanas
in Sanskrit – “if we can’t even grasp Sanskrit, how would we even provide the accompanying
instructions for the poses?”, we wondered. In our first few weeks, we would earnestly scrutinise the
instructions of the various sequences before the start of class, and brace ourselves when Jessica
announced our assigned sequence (e.g. Standing Sequence 2, right side) to teach that morning. To
give instructions with clarity whilst holding a pose (hello, Super Soldier!) required intense focus and
concentration, that we would be so exhausted but equally fulfilled after morning practice.
As Jessica promised, teaching would get easier and more intuitive as we progressed during the YTT.
We wouldn’t simply memorise, but actually understand the requirements of each asana: its
regressions and progressions, and how to provide the best verbal cues and instructions for students.
Teaching our first classes was such a revelation – from ensuring we maintain eye contact and
engagement with our students, to understanding the pace, tone and projection of voice to best align to
the movement/practice (e.g. a calm and soothing voice for Pranayama and Savasana; and an
energetic and motivating voice for drills and cardio-inspired movements). In planning and teaching my
class, I am reminded of the first limb of Patanjali’s 8 Limbs of Yoga – Yama, which stresses the
importance of ethics, morality and integrity, in particular, Asteya (non-stealing: action). For your
student to devote 60 minutes of their life as they share their practice with you, it is the role of the
teacher to plan, prepare and deliver the yoga class with diligence, kindness, abundance and
compassion. It is through embodying the 8 Limbs of Yoga that we can become mindful and reflexive
yoga teachers and practitioners.
200HR YTT Jul’21 Weekend