I did it! Survived the 2 community classes I was meant to teach as part of the YTT program. It was
mentally such a tough ‘fight’ within myself, I’ve always nursed a fear of public speaking – the coward in
me really wanted to get out of it, grappled with the temptation to send Jess and Alexis an email to bow
out; with the panic setting in, I felt I would’ve been satisfied with a certificate of participation.
But mothering is interesting, as we mother and teach, we learn so much too. As I shared my fears with
my children, with roles flipped they encouraged me to see it through and not to give up mid-way. They
ran runs with me and patiently listened to me talk more about Yoga in the last month than they have in
their lives.
Slowly, under Jess’ guidance, my fellow YTT mates and my friends’ optimism, alongside the structure of
TYM’s lessons, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope that I could make myself stand in front of the
room to conduct 2 classes. So I tossed the temptation to back out of it away but gosh, the panic, fear
and nervousness stayed and are real.
And finally it happened, 2 classes, one Sunday after another and I’m reeling from the ok-ness of it all! It
went well (in my mind) – no blanking out on the sequence and everyone flowing really nicely during the
session, and the feedback that they liked it! I’m feeling the massive satisfaction for forcing myself out of
my comfort zone to do it. Other than the privilege to learn from Jess, this is the next biggest gift from
July’19 Weekend YTT