Week 3 of YTT

How time flies past so quickly! Week 3 of YTT is over and we only have 2 weeks left until we graduate! Panic starts to set in, what am I going to do after I graduate? Will I be ready to teach? We started learning adjustment and giving instruction at the same time. It was quite challenging as we had to give the name of the poses and give instructions and adjustments at the same time. I have so much respect for yoga instructors. They make the whole process looks so simple and effortless.

At the first attempt to lead the sequence, I was so nervous that my hands were shaking, sweating and I forgot to breath. Thousands of thoughts running through my head. I felt bad for making my classmates holding the poses for too long while I tried to remember the instructions. At the second attempt to lead the sequence, I felt more comfortable so I guess practice makes perfect. I have to remind myself to keep calm and take a deep breath, because when I am nervous, I can’t do anything right. I guess the only to become a great yoga teacher is to just get out of my comfort zone, throw myself out there after graduation and teach.
