Week 6: Midpoint check in

How time flies, we’ve already completed half of our YTT. It got me reflecting on what I had intended to achieve from this YTT, and what I am currently experiencing/feeling as I am halfway through.

For the past 2+ years when I was seriously contemplating to do a YTT, my main objective was to improve my practice as I had observed other friends who had gone through YTT and drew a conclusion that a YTT could be helpful for me. I felt compelled to know how to improve and access more poses for which my progress had been stagnant, as I was still very tight in many parts of my body. At the same time, I felt intimidated that because I was unable to access many poses, it would not be ‘becoming’ if I were to be licensed to teach but not be exemplary of a yoga teacher (which in my mind at that time was, and maybe still a teeny bit now, being able to do all the fancy poses). The only thing I thought I could contribute as a prospective teacher was advising on gentle stretches or ‘rehab’ poses to those who need it.

I am so glad I decided to take the leap after consulting a few certified friends. After Week 1, just after learning the breakdown of sun salutations, I was 100% certain that I made the right decision. Fast forward 6 weeks, I am intrigued by the things that we have been learning, and I feel excited that I am improving in my practice, be it in terms of keeping a still mind, physical practice or understanding the body.

The difference from my original intention and what I have been inspired by through the course of 6 weeks is that I realize I enjoy lesson planning. We have been learning the art and science of lesson planning, broken down into different aspects and considerations such as joint movements, muscle engagements, preparatory poses, lesson structure, just to name a few. From a student’s perspective, one would never have imagined that so much goes on behind planning a good lesson. Every movement and every part of the lesson is with intent, not for the sake of ‘exercising’ or simply getting the heart rate up.

I have also been inspired through Jess’ words, that a yoga teacher does not need to be able to do every single pose, but needs to understand what is good for each student, and what is needed for every unique body. Now, I have changed my aspirations slightly – besides improving my understanding of yoga for my own practice, I hope to be able to teach and let others experience the benefits of yoga as I have.

Michelle Cheung
200 Hour YTT Feb-May’21