What looks so easy doesn’t seem easy: Titus

One of the earlier assignments was learning Sun Salutation. BORINGGGGGG!!!!! That’s the
thought that immediately came to my mind. We were tasked to teach in the subsequent days.
How difficult can this be? Mountain pose, forward fold, plank, Chaturanga, down dog, etc. I
will ace it for sure!


Spending a few minutes the night before to memorize the instruction, I arrived at Telok Ayer
feeling confident and un-challenged.


Despite seeing how my batchmates fumbled on our first attempt into teaching sun salutation,
I was still feeling confident.


Within ten seconds of my routine, my world came tumbling down. I felt defeated once again.
Defeated not by anything but by my ego and pride.


I deemed myself as an excellent multi-tasker. However, I just could not adapt and function.
My brain was overload with the tasks. I was doing the physical practice, reciting the Sanskrit,
providing step-by-step instructions, etc. I was in a mess.


Once again, I ended the day questioning myself if I should be here in the first place.


What yoga had taught me: The famous Chinese saying: “台上一分钟 台下十年功” one
minute of performance on stage, ten years of hard work off stage


200HR YTT May’21