WHO inspired me to do yoga?

I first got to know about Hatha yoga through social media (this was also how I got to know about The Yoga Mandala too!) and my Dad had the chance to try Raja yoga during a workshop and introduced it to us. As I attended more yoga classes over the years, there are many teachers as well as students who have “spread the fever” and continue to ignite my passion in yoga today.

I love how every single yoga class feels different in terms of energy. Even as we flow through similar poses, there are always new discoveries to be made. Things like how it feels in a pose, which muscles to engage so that we can reap full benefits from each pose, as well as the endless possibilities in the beautiful shapes we can make and hold in. Thank you Jessica for incorporating Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock pose) and Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) into our curriculum, poses that some of us may never attempt by ourselves due to the fear of falling and hurting!

Hui Jie
200 Hour YTT Oct’20