I have had scoliosis since I was a teenager. Back then, not many people knew what is scoliosis. I knew the surgery fees are high and my family may not be affordable. So, I hide my scoliosis from my parents. I try everything to hide my hump and my curve spine.
Recent few years, I feel more and more uncomfortable at my neck, shoulders and back. I suspect it is due to my scoliosis. I searched and tried many methods. From TCM, Pilates, Chiropractic and even Yoga (before I found Jessica). The results were not what I expected and this drove me very depressed. “Surgery” crossed my mind, but surgery is always the solution as the last resort. I sought advice from a specialist doctor and the doctor did not advise me for surgery but to monitor the curve degree because my puberty age was already over. He said I may try yoga and Pilates.
I am at the helpless junction again.
It is so difficult to find a yoga teacher who can teach yoga for a scoliosis person.
I still remembered, one day in 2019, I was waiting for the bus to work, I told myself, okay, let’s search online again for “yoga for scoliosis”. Yes! I found something related!
“How Yoga Healed Jessica Sinclair’s Curved Spine & Gave Her a New Lease of Life”
This subject drew ALL my attention. I read the full article and searched more for The Yoga Mandala. The journey of Jessica was so amazing! Without any delay and second thought, I contacted The Yoga Mandala for private class and Jessica invited me to speak to her in person, she explained to me the way of her teaching and her expectations of a student.
After a few private sessions with Jessica, I felt so good (In fact, I felt very good after the first session)! I love her teaching. All the poses, instructions and addressed my problem so on the point! I felt that she could feel my feelings! (only the people who has scoliosis can really feel how I feel)
I still remembered, Jessica told me, yoga is not the 1 hour on the mat only, I or we need to practice yoga at the moment I wake up, when I am walking, when I am sitting, even when I am breathing. Awareness is very important!
I want to learn more from her! I want to help myself!
“YTT” – What is YTT?
Yoga teacher? Can I be a yoga teacher to teach myself?
I am a super beginner in yoga, can I attend?
Yes, I can attend the YTT! The Yoga Teacher Training! To be a teacher, to teach myself (at least for myself)!
My YTT journey has begun!
RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend