Xiaohui: Full-time Job & YTT

It is stressful! YTT is almost like studying a part-time course. I need to wake up earlier than working
day. No rest day on weekends. It is very challenging!

I am physically weak, I am not flexible, weak core, tight hamstring, weak body strength, not enough
stamina, etc. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) A first 2 sets is already used up all my strength, total
we need to do 5 sets of Sun Salutation A and 5 sets of Sun Salutation B. I was squeezing all my
strength to continue, but I don’t even can complete the 5 sets of Sun Salutation A. I looked around my
batchmates, all of them are so strong, all of them can complete all 10 sets.

I am not good in memorizing. We need to memorize the sequences, the Sanskrit’s names of the
poses and the instructions. This part really took me some time to do it better. I even studying and
keep memorizing in my dream!

With the above stress, I am always looking forward for the classes! To get some weekends “tortures”,
to have fun with my teacher and batchmates. So good that can be surrounded by nice people and
positive vibes!


RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend