Xiaohui: Thank You

I am thankful that I have a very good teacher, Jessica. She knows my limits, she knows my
conditions, she knows my body more than myself. She knows what I can do, it is really surprised me,
all the time! No joke!


When I said, I cannot do this, I cannot do that… she said “I think you can! We will see later!”. Her
eyes filled with confidence on me, it was like sending some forces to me. And every time, she was
right, I CAN DO IT.


I remembered when we were learning the standing sequence 1 and 2, I cannot do the full sequence
due to my weak legs. I guessed I looked quite depressed, and Jessica noticed that. She told me “you
are here for your spine, not your legs. Don’t worry, take your time. You are very good and I am very
proud of you. Imagine you were working from zero.” This mean so much for me! Thank you, Jessica,
for everything that you have done for me and all of us.


Headstand is the pose that I never thought that I am able to do it within 2 months. Today (04 Oct
2020), another breakthrough, with Jessica’s guidance, adjustment and the support from all the lovely
batchmates, I managed to go up to the wall and stay for 1 second! Trying to recall the previous
headstand attempt, I cannot differentiate tuck in the tailbone and arch the back because it’s upside
down. I’m getting there, bit by bit, slowly and progressively.


I am thankful that I have all my batchmates, Carmen, Chiet Ping, Felicia, Nia, Preeti, Rachelle, Sylvia,
Simran and Tina. I surrounding by all the beautiful kind souls. We encouraging each other, cheer for
each other, laughter and tears. They are happier than me when I was able to do a pose that I think I
cannot do. All of you are so lovely! I couldn’t ask for more.


RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend