Xiaohui: The Easiest and The Most Difficult

I am not a person who attended many yoga classes before YTT. In fact, I know very little about Yoga,
but I don’t know why, people around me, thought I know about yoga just because I attended some
yoga classes. Or just because they saw me carry the yoga mat walking around?

Tadasana, the mountain pose, it is so simple to me, just stand there, isn’t it the easiest yoga pose? I
was wrong. There are so many details in the pose. I need to stand like a mountain, stand without
moving, firmly grounded on the mat. I didn’t know I need to firmly ground all 4 corners of my feet on
the mat, engage my core, tuck in my tailbone, tuck in my ribs, depress my shoulders away from ears.
Oh ya, do not knock my knees! Wait a minute, I still have to “edit” my body (for my scoliosis)!

I start sweating even just standing in Tadasana and Urdhva Hastasana!

“Yoga is not about touching your toes; it is what you learn on the way down” – Jigar Gor


RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend