Yan Han – how it began (1/6)

For the first few years of my yoga practice, I only attended Bikram Yoga classes. There was something about the heat, sweat and consistency that kept me turning up for class. I’ve been relatively athletic throughout my student years (netball, soccer, running…) and was all for cardio. I thought Bikram provided a similar sense of satisfaction. The sequence was always the same; predictable but always challenging. I could track my physical and mental progress. It was comforting because anywhere in the world, you know that the Bikram class will be the same.

So I started yoga hoping to improve my strength and flexibility, and had not much interest in the ‘spiritual’/meditation side of yoga.

Then I gingerly took further steps into the the bigger yoga universe (step out of your comfort zone right?) I tried Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga. I love the dynamic flows and sequences. (Haven’t looked back at Bikram since!) There is always another more challenging asana to try to nail. Along the way, I’ve picked up some breathing and meditation techniques, but outside of class, I usually only practise the challenging poses that I want to nail.

10 years on, it feels like I hit a plateau in my yoga practice. I am mostly ‘chasing’ asanas, trying to achieve one and then moving on to another. I want to take a step back. Go back to the basics, go deeper, get a better appreciation of yoga as a whole. Not just as a form of exercise, but perhaps as a way of life.

Somehow found myself signing up for a YTT. Jessica’s highly entertaining and genuine personality as well as her ability to make astute observations about complete strangers drew me to TYM. Here goes!!!