Yoga in the Nature

15 August 2015

Today is the 11th day of the 200-hour yoga teacher training.

After a week of break from the Singapore Jubilee weekend, we are back to the weekend yoga training routine. The idea was somehow daunting from the guilt of no practice for a week and also having sinned pigging out during my visit to Malacca over the public holiday.

But hooray! I was in exhilaration when Nicole, our yoga instructor, surprised us on a yoga excursion to the Botanic Gardens! I love the beautiful Botanic Gardens. It has been inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is an iconic Singapore garden destination in the heart of our city center. Practicing yoga in the nature is my very first time and it is such a great idea to be able to enchant our spiritual well being in the midst of our wonderful mother nature.

We settled down at a cute sheltered pavilion, and laid out our mats all ready to start. We did our usual practices such as pranayama, surya namaskra and asana sequences, and also the most challenging pose to me at that point of time; the head stand without a wall! I managed to attempt my first headstand without the support of the wall! The feeling was pretty awesome and very accomplished for me. I did wonder if it was the power of energy from nature or was it being able to overcome the fear of falling.

This accomplishment taught me a valuable life experience: Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.

When your confidence overwhelms, it can make the impossible seem nothing. It used to limit me because I set my own boundaries that I couldn’t do it. In life, anything that excites one’s spirit should be pursued even if one foresees the challenges ahead. This is very very true and should be embraced.

Looking forward to making more impossible poses possible!
