Yoga- Mind over body

  • We had our Asana exam yesterday. It certainly felt more tired than doing a conventional yoga class. Jessica made us hold poses for long. Like chaturanga in 1minute. It was madness to us because it was something we have never done before. We were also asked to hold Navasana and headstand for 3minutes. Something i has never done before in my life. And tell me to do that 3 months back, i will give up easily and just release from the posture. But it is comforting to see how everyone strive to hold, even if it means taking variations of the pose when our body is tired. In The Yoga Mandala, we never give up so easily till we are done.
  • One biggest takeaway that i have learnt from Jessica is that be it on and off the mat, it is always about our mind. Our mind probably do 70% of the work with the rest working on doing what we set out to achieve.
  • There are many times in life we doubt our abilities. Or perhaps we are ever told that we are not good enough for certain things. I learnt that we should never let them discourage us. Instead, work hard a f at it and let your success speak volume. Try and fail serves so much more purpose than never try-never know. As much as Yoga taught me, it is all about the mind. The Universe conspire to let us achieve what we want if we let the power of our mind bring us there. It was never about the “can”, it is always about the “want”.
  • We can all achieve more if we allow our belief to power us through. Taking a YTT this year must has been the most life-changing and empowering experience in my life.
  • Melissa (YTT200 June 2018-August 2018)