Yoga Nidra and Astral projection


Sound baths, crystal bowls, gongs, meditation and tarot. While my friends roll their
eyes at my love for the woo woo, there’s something about spirituality that excites me.
It might be the eternal grey area it sits between rational thinking and being
ambivalence, that splits even the fervent of beings to hate on it.

Whatever. I love me a good underdog story

That being said; out of all the woo woo-ness that Ive tried, Meditation at its best feels
just like a trip I want to eternally be on. In my first description of a very exciting sound
bath meditation, I described it as;

OMG I was floating ABOVE my body!

I bet this is what it feels like when you apparated or astral projected,, but you are in
limbo and never made it to the other side (uwu)
Yea, those words did not convince my friends any further to join in my spiritual path,
and that’s ok.

We then learnt Yoga Nidra in class, which sounded a lot like elaborate priming
technique or an ingenious way to psych yourself to do anything. And I was psyched
and ready to hypnotised

We laid on our mats, and, followed along the verbal instruction on what to do. His
voice. soothing and steady, with that hint of Indian accent that reminded me of my
first teacher, and I have to admit, it was hard to stay awake during the journey.
But as we got further along, I can’t remember everything that was said but in random
instances, I felt a sharp jolt in a part of my body. Like electric nodes were placed in
the most randomest of spots while I focused on breathing into them.

And then it happened again, at several points I left my body. I felt parts of me
becoming numb, to the point that they almost felt too big for me as I slipped out of
the coat of my skin. I could still hear the words leading us along, but I was floating –
somewhere above my body, like a humid cloud hovering so close to the surface of
awareness. There were no bright lights, no trippy rainbow chakras, no ever-growing
lotus before my eyes, but this state of non-being was the absolute best. It felt even
greater than the feeling of weightlessness and silence the water brings as you
submerge yourself in — cause there was no fear where I was.

When we finished, Jessica asked us how we felt. As always, I kept mum. It was hard
for me to describe it – it was like the sheer thrill of being on the upswing of a
playground swing, but also serendipitous as it’s not a state you can be in for long
periods of time. We finished the day off, and when I left, my body and mind were
tingling, and I had one of the best sleep to date. It was a soothing feeling, and Im
hoping I find a way to tap on to that practice to keep this feeling with me for several
days a week. Maybe with this, I can teach myself to be a lot braver. Maybe. We’ll


200 Hour YTT Feb-May’21