Yoga Teaching Exams = Done and Passed!

I could not be more elated and relieved! Both my teaching exams were at 8am this weekend –
Saturday with a couple of my best friends and with my lovely, supportive batchmates;
Sunday with my hilarious family. It feels so amazing to finally be done with the exams.
Although this is something that I want to spend my life doing, I still felt really nervous,
especially on the first day. My first class did not go terribly but it also did not go as well as I
had hoped it would. I messed up a few of the cues and instructions, confused my lefts and
rights, and clearly was not myself – I wasn’t as confident as I should have been. Nonetheless,
I told myself not to be too self-critical and judgmental. To remember that I am still learning,
still growing, still just only beginning. And for a beginner, it was a decent job.

My second class on Sunday was much more fun for many reasons. Firstly, I wasn’t as
nervous as I was the day before. Second, the sequence was much simpler and that added to
my confidence. Third, I was teaching my favourite people: my cousins and some very special
friends. I had a blast teaching! We shared a few giggles here and there, I felt confident giving
out cues and instructions, I was more mindful as to adjustments and demonstrations, trying
not to overdo or underdo any of it. I still demonstrated a bit too much, according to some of
my batchmates feedback, and at some points my back was facing the class – which is not
very good for a teacher to do. Other than that, I feel very happy about my second class, I
think it went well and I am proud of myself.

Overall, I enjoyed teaching both classes very much. The experience and exposure has given
me much to think about and reflect on. I can be more mindful of my future classes,
sequencing, instructions, adjustments, tone, etc. honing my skills and everyday growing and
evolving to be a better teacher and student in yoga. I am forever grateful and thankful for my
experiences here at the Yoga Mandala, especially to my teacher Jessica for being so
supportive and patient with me every step of the way, always telling me exactly what I need
to hear to ground myself.


200 Hour YTT Feb-May’21