YTT200 at almost forty. -Tannie, RYT200

Yoga has always been a dip in the water for me.
Somewhere to hang out with my group of girlfriends once in awhile in my early twenties.
Something to keep me sort of  healthy in my thirties.
I never really tried to understand it.


And then I became a mother.
Motherhood made me face, me.
My body is never the same again, my mind is constantly on high alert,
I experience emotions I could no longer sweep under the carpet.
I broke.
What have I done to my life? Who am I?


I decided to start this self discovery with getting to know my physical self,
there must be a reason why so many self help books recommend yoga.


I realised yoga is not an activity which helps you forget, or lose yourself in the moment.
Every class begins with self examination, it’s like i’m picking up pieces of me, really looking at it, realising how some have been mishandled and some I never knew existed. The movements which comes after teaches me how to try to repair the cracked parts, and also alerted me to parts i have ignored all these time.


I’m almost forty and I’m only just starting to get to know myself.
I’m late but also, there is still time.


200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course