Yoga beyond the studio – Laura, RYT200

As we head into our last week of YTT, I feel that I have become much more observant not just in
the studio but also outside of the studio. I’m embracing this increased sensitivity to my own body

as well as to the people and environment around me – and I’m hoping that this continues even
as we graduate from the YTT.

One of the things that I’ve become more observant about is posture. Whether it is lying in bed,
sitting at the dinner table, or standing on the train – I am frequently reminded of the impact that
our day-to-day posture has on our bodies. After all, we spend so much more time outside the
studio than in class. With this awareness, I find that I catch myself more often – self-reminding to
retract my shoulder blades to prevent hunching, tucking my tailbone to avoid lower back
arching, and trying to engage my root as much as possible.

I’ve also begun observing the posture of my friends and family in relation to what we learnt in
class. Everything is interconnected, with certain unconscious habits resulting in certain issues.
Only by being made aware of these habits are we able to actively work towards change and

Of course, being conscious of the issue and cognizant of the change that is needed is only the
first step. Consistency remains the key, and it will always be an ongoing work in progress for us
all throughout different stages. What is important is not so much the outcome, but the
perspective of the journey towards the outcome that we desire.


200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course